Eco Playgroup

For this playgroup, the meaning of 'ECO' is twofold.

It refers to the ecology of human relationships that is central to the inspiration for this playgroup. A gathering of individuals to form a community - children who need to play, be in nature, quiet their minds and reset.

Parents who want a space to come as they are, take their foot off the pedal, and receive acceptance and support.

The program at Eco Playgroup is inspired by personal interests in natural living, health and wellbeing, respect for the environment and learning approaches inspired by the natural world.

Eco Playgroup is held at roaming North of the River outdoor locations. See upcoming sessions for current location.

Eco Playgroup FAQs

  • Eco Playgroup is all ages and suitable for all children to engage, including young babies. An all ages approach requires an open mind from all involved. There won’t be specific activities set out for babies, toddlers and school aged children. The playgroup focuses on the learning opportunities in the established outdoor environment, rather than bringing too many activities into the outdoors to ‘entertain’ children. This means for babies, the focus will be more about watching and interacting with the other children in the space and exploring the resources with all the senses (squishing clay, tapping instruments, being sung and read to). For older children, the playgroup setting encourages creativity, resourcefullness and curiosity. Children won’t be told what to do next or how to complete activities. This may take some getting used to for some children. However, the design of the playgroup is very intentional and based on quality early childhood education approaches.

  • Yes, the experiences provided are designed to allow for free exploration and ensure that there are not too many ‘off limits’ aspects.

    But not because every possible risk and hazard has been removed. For example, there may be paint that should not be ingested, accessible glass teapots and cups for tea time or ants on the grass that could bite.

    Eco Playgroup is designed to reflect the real world and is inspired by nature. Children don’t need to be padded from the real world to be safe. Instead, if we teach children to not fear the natural world, understand it and respect boundaries, we equip them to keep themselves safe.

    What could this look like? Allowing children to play with their shoes off (even though there are bees and ants around), allowing babies to touch and taste the clay, grass, leaves and play near the ‘real’ materials and allowing the children to get really messy.

    Supervision and responsive guidance is key for safety.

  • No.

    Multi-aged play settings is a model implemented in many high quality early childhood services, where children are not separated in rooms by age. Instead, the spaces are open for all children to access and play with or alongside one another. I have seen the benefits of this through my work as an educator - younger children watching the play of older peers and wanting to practice skills they may not otherwise be exposed to. Older children working with adults to care for babies. Children giving each other instructions in play, negotiating to set limits and establish boundaries, role modelling, mentoring, and guiding each other’s behaviour. Comfortable spaces will be available for younger children and babies to safely enjoy the environment in ways suited to them, including tummy time, sensory, music and stories. You will be asked to record your child’s age when booking so that I can plan the session accordingly.

  • Full term enrolments and weekly casual sessions are available.

    Enrolling for the term has many benefits for children over coming once or twice. I have designed Eco Playgroup to be a relationship based program that focuses on each child’s unique interests, strenghts and skill development. It’s not my intention that this playgroup just be a fun day out with lots of new faces every week.

    I keep group sizes small so that I can focus on intentional interactions with each child and get to know them on a meaningful level. I can then plan projects and experiences to build on their skills and interests week to week. Much like the goal when a child is enrolled in an early childhood centre, it’s important for children to establish secure relationships with the people involved in their world and responsible for supporting their learning and development. Regular attendance also supports children’s developing sense of predictability in their world and enables them to develop skills through repetition and repeated exposure.

    When you join for the term, you also receive a free onsite coffee each week and personalised learning stories written by me about your child’s development throughout the term.

    • Facilitated by a qualified and experienced educator and mother of 2 - I have been working with children and families for 10 years as an early childhood educator, trainer and consultant. I am passionate about play based and experiential learning for developing skills and dispositions that equip children for life. I see each child’s uniqueness and believe in the value of not fitting the mould. I enjoy learning about education and parenting approaches that are in the best interests of children and believe respectful, reflective and intentional interactions are fundamental.
      The sessions will include visual prompts for parents about the intent behind some of the experiences and ideas for scaffolding learning, supporting you to replicate or extend the play at home and feel inspired to play with your child.

    • All ages - multi-aged play settings is a model implemented in many high quality early childhood services, where children are not separated in rooms by age. Instead, the spaces are open for all children to access and play with or alongside one another. I have seen the benefits of this through my work as an educator - younger children watching the play of older peers and wanting to practice skills they may not otherwise be exposed to. Older children working with adults to care for babies. Children giving each other instructions in play, negotiating to set limits and establish boundaries, role modelling, mentoring, and guiding each other’s behaviour. Comfortable spaces will be available for younger children and babies to safely enjoy the environment in ways suited to them, including tummy time, sensory, music and stories. You will be asked to record your child’s age when booking so that I can plan the session accordingly.

    • Playgroup with a philosophy - I believe all education settings (especially early childhood) should allow children more time in nature, engaged in tasks that humans are designed for. In the context of a playgroup, I believe children's capacities are far greater than what plastic toys and coloured rice can provide. Children are competent and capable of using real materials. At this playgroup your child can enjoy open ended and natural resources intentionally selected to provoke wonder, curiosity, and higher order thinking. Your child can use the resources to suit the purpose of their play and the direction of their imagination. Children can come and go from the experiences as they wish. As an educator and mother, I also value the role that adults can play in providing wise guidance, asking thought provoking questions and giving children a nudge towards their highest potential. This playgroup will blend a child-led approach with moments of intentional facilitation by me through group experiences, circle meetings and one on one interactions to support your child's learning.

    • Materials are sustainable and promote wellbeing – resources for play will complement the natural world and be either made of natural materials or gentle on the environment. Children will be exposed to concepts of repurposing, recycling, and resourcefulness by exploring sustainable alternatives to common activities, such as clay instead of playdough.

    • Refreshments provided - no need to pack snacks or stress if you’ve forgotten to eat in the morning rush. Morning tea is provided and made with quality, healthy ingredients to nourish you and the little ones.

    • Support for parents – a judgement free zone where we’re not about appearances, but about doing our best and finding common ground in shared values. I want parents to feel uplifted by the conversations at this playgroup by means of a low pressure, social atmosphere. I am open to discussion from an educators' perspective about your child's play and development and any early childhood questions you may have.

  • The playgroup start and finish times are flexible (for you), meaning you don’t need to worry about arriving on time, leaving early or staying past the finish time. There is no set structure that you or your child are expected to adhere to.

    The session usually starts with an aknowledgement of country, greeting and tea time together and usually ends with a story. The session is child led and play based, no timed activities or expecation for all children to engage with everything provided. I like to focus my attention on playing with the children, talking with parents and enjoying the time in nature, not structuring what everyone is doing or taking lots of photos. I usually have some planned resources to introduce to the children or discussion points I hope to bring up during experiences, but I will never expect children to engage with those if they don’t want to.

    Children warm up to new faces and places at their own pace. It might take your child more than one session to want to leave your side and explore with me and the other children and it may take them some time to get used to the session style if they are familiar with more structured or adult led activities. I encourage you to be open to giving it some time to see the benefits of my approach.

  • Booking on the morning of a session is not currently available.

    Bookings close 5pm the day before each session.

  • There a small/medium sized gazebos at Lake Monger that will provide some wind and rain protection and sessions will go ahead if low/moderate chance of light showers are forecast. In this instance please bring gumboots, rain jackets, spare clothes and a fun attitude for some rainy play!

    The session will be cancelled in the event of heavy rain or dangerous conditions and you will be refunded.