Programs for children, families and professionals that inspire, educate and support
Childhood and Parenting Programs in Perth
Nature playgroups, bush kinder, educational workshops, youth entrepreneurial events
Hi, I'm Victoria! Creator of Ecotherapy Eary Years.
I live in Perth with my favourite people pictured here (on my wedding day!) - husband Scott, son Ollie and daughter Tilly (she’s still baking in this photo, but thanks to a very flattering angle, you can’t tell! And yes, that’s non-alchoholic champagne). I think this photo sums us up pretty well.
I've worked with and for children and families for a decade as an early childhood educator, consultant, trainer and assessor and regulatory officer. I have many areas of interest in all things childhood and parenting and am excited to offer you a range of unique services for children, families and professionals through Ecotherapy Early Years. Click to learn more about me!
I see so many posts from mums in Facebook groups asking for help around childcare. What questions should I ask during tours? What do I do about this incident that happened? What should I be looking for in a centre?
I have SO much to share around this. I've seen so many parents struggle with the process of choosing childcare for the first time or navigating tricky issues that come up unexpectedly.
Let me start with something simple. A checklist of 10 critical questions to be asking during childcare tours. Empower yourself with essential knowledge and get the most out of your tours!