Programs for children, families and professionals that inspire, educate and support

Childhood and Parenting Programs in Perth

Nature playgroups, bush kinder, educational workshops, youth entrepreneurial events

Hi, I'm Victoria! Creator of Ecotherapy Eary Years.

I live in Perth with my favourite people pictured here (on my wedding day!) - husband Scott, son Ollie and daughter Tilly (she’s still baking in this photo, but thanks to a very flattering angle, you can’t tell! And yes, that’s non-alchoholic champagne). I think this photo sums us up pretty well.

I've worked with and for children and families for a decade as an early childhood educator, consultant, trainer and assessor and regulatory officer. I have many areas of interest in all things childhood and parenting and am excited to offer you a range of unique services for children, families and professionals through Ecotherapy Early Years. Click to learn more about me!


I see so many posts from mums in Facebook groups asking for help around childcare. What questions should I ask during tours? What do I do about this incident that happened? What should I be looking for in a centre?

I have SO much to share around this. I've seen so many parents struggle with the process of choosing childcare for the first time or navigating tricky issues that come up unexpectedly. 

Let me start with something simple. A checklist of 10 critical questions to be asking during childcare tours. Empower yourself with essential knowledge and get the most out of your tours!

  • This was such a wonderful morning meeting new parents and watching my daughter learn through play. Victoria truly has a way with kids. She’s such a beautiful and welcoming person. We had a great time and would recommend to anyone!

    Kim Waldin

    Eco Playgroup parent

  • Such a wonderful day out. I love how it was a family day out. My husband never gets to come to playgroup so this was fantastic. I love the nature approach too. Everything was just beautiful. We are so fortunate to have been a part of your first playgroup, and can't wait to attend again. Lots for children to do, different activities set up, painting, tee pee making, clay modelling, potion making, music, bird spotting. Beautiful set up in the park, nice to not be in a building, really creative, lots of fun!

    Kate Lefroy

    Eco Playgroup parent

  • My daughter loved every minute of the workshop and came home very enthusiastic about everything she learned. She also loved putting these skills into practice at the market and it was super to see her confidently engaging with the public and even being able to take card payments. The journals that you made for them were stunning too. Thank you so much. I do hope you hold more of these workshops in the future.

    Karen Higgs

    Children’s Business Event parent

  • Thank you Victoria. My daughter learned so much attending your business workshop and had a great time at the market!!!

    Karen Schneider

    Children’s Business Event parent

  • Thanks so much for today. My daughter had a great time and enjoyed learning the concepts, particularly how to market the product. She kept telling me how calming it was, and she liked that it gave the sense of calm! Looking forward to the market. See you then!

    Children’s Business Event parent

  • My 7 and 9-year-old boys enjoyed their workshop immensely and it gave them an insight into creating products and running a small business. In their class they created a variety of oils to be sold at the market. I’m truly thankful for your holiday class and hopeful such effort can be the catalyst to seeding successful and impactful future entrepreneurs in WA.

    Stuart Kidd

    Children’s Business Event parent

  • My 6yo participated in a two-part ‘Childrens Business’ workshop and market stall event run by Victoria at Ecotherapy Early Years. Both parts were exceptionally run and organised. All information provided was clear and thorough. I felt very safe and comfortable leaving my child under the care of Victoria, a qualified and experienced ECE and event facilitator.

    Children’s Business parent